Frequently Asked Questions


What is ADHD?

There are three types of ADHD. The most common type of ADHD is when people have difficulties with both attention and hyperactivity. This is called ADHD combined type. Some people only have difficulty with attention and organization. This is ADHD inattentive subtype or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Other people have only the hyperactive and impulsive symptoms. This is ADHD hyperactive subtype.

How common is ADHD?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, ADHD occurs in an estimated 3 to 5 percent of preschool and school-age children. ADHD begins in childhood, but it often lasts into adulthood. Several studies done in recent years estimate that 30 to 65 percent of children with ADHD continue to have symptoms into adolescence and adulthood.

What causes ADHD?

No one knows exactly what causes ADHD. There appears to be a combination of causes, including genetics and environmental influences Several different factors could increase a child’s likelihood of having the disorder, such as gender, family history, prenatal risks, environmental toxins and physical differences in the brain seem to be involved.

Common signs and symptoms of ADHD:

Difficulties with attention.

–inattention to details and makes careless mistakes
–easily distracted
–losing things such as school supplies
–forgetting to turn in homework
–trouble finishing class work and homework
–trouble listening
–trouble following multiple adult commands
–difficulty playing quietly


–interupts others
–poor boundaries

What are the types of treatment for ADHD?

1. The first step is to have a careful and thorough evaluation with a person’s primary care doctor or with a qualified mental health professional.
2. Medications do not cure ADHD. Medications can help a person control his or her symptoms on the day that the pills are taken. Although medications alone rarely are a complete treatment, many adults with ADHD find that medication can be helpful.
3. Working with a threapist can be helpful to put the ADHD into the context of a person’s whole life and to reinforce postiive behavirors. Some therapist apply techniques like Cognitive Behavior Therapy which can be helpful. However, treatment of ADHD is not as simple as modifying behavior or building skills. Coping and copensating strategies are often valuable.
4. Life coaching for ADHD: Coaching is different than therapy as coaching does not treat ADHD as a pathology. Coaching is not trying to fix the person, coaching assumes that when a person has a partner who can stand beside them, allowing the client to set the agenda, the client will find their own path and over time increase fucntionallity and find the place in his life where he can excell.

What are the consequences of untreated ADHD?

Without treatment, an adult with ADHD may fall behind in college, and have trouble with relationships and employment. Family life may also suffer. Untreated ADHD can increase anxiety, undermine confidence, threaten a career, and make realtionships problematice. Adults with untreated ADHD have higher rates of divorce and job loss, compared with the general population. Luckily, safe and effective treatments are available which can help adults help control the symptoms of ADHD and prevent the unwanted consequences.

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